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Follow I Told Me So

Monday, December 1, 2008

on a side note...

This post has nothing to do with being a therapist...and everything to do with being a blogger.

I have my very first follower! I won't mention her name, because I don't know what the etiquette is. But, I find it amusing that on my "dashboard" (you know, where I, the pilot of the blog, flies the blog, so to speak), it says "1 Follower." Then next to that it says "Manage." I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to manage my one follower. Rachel's kind of unruly. Shit, I mentioned her name.

Addendum: I love my follower.

1 comment:

jsense said...

I'm a big fan of your blog as well as a big fan of your #1 follower.