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Friday, June 19, 2009

not really funemployment, as they say

i've been job searching for about two months now. i've submitted over 25 applications, gotten ONE call-back, a promise for a phone interview, but no actual interviews. i realize that this is common right now, but it doesn't make it suck any less.

people in my life have imparted upon me great words of wisdom recently about this. they say to enjoy it, relax, be patient. and yes, i'm really trying to do all of these things. i've had more fun in Philadelphia now than I have in the past year. meeting up with friends during the day, watching day-time TV, playing Monopoly with my friend for hours on end, and spending money i don't have. it really is the life.

but in speaking with another fellow recent counseling graduate (and dear friend), unemployment does more than just deplete my funds or give me free time to play to my heart's content. it kind of takes a swipe, a continual swipe, at my sense of purpose. being in school really builds up that sense of purpose...i became more excited and eager with every passing day. the culmination is graduation, where my home for the last 3 years bids me farewell and sends me off. i take a step outside of those ivory towers (eh, in a sense), all wide-eyed and excited. only to be deflated by 2 or more months unrequited love and passion. i put so much into those resumes, cover letters, and applications. and i reach a dead end most of the time.

i think that i still have a glimmer of excitement, somewhere. i got my first call-back, and i got super giddy and nervous. i'm not sure if anything will come of it, but it kind of renewed my energy. but how long will that last? i think that on my applications, i should write "p.s. i'm not sure if you know how excited i am to start working. maybe you should call me and find out."

stop me now.


Jonny Rashid said...

I'm glad you are making the most of it. And the smart employers will realize how much you want to work, too.

mark said...

you'll do fine

mark said...

you'll do fine