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Thursday, December 17, 2009

a prayerful musing

this is something i wrote during a creative worship service at a church i've begun attending. i hesitated to post it, because it's not how i normally write. but nothing is like i thought it would be so...
it's not prose, where i can add explanations and disclaimers and footnotes to make sure i'll be understood. i'm not sure what it is, but here it is. i've done enough explaining already.

rhythmic paradox

I am free while being

I create my will while
following yours.

I am powerful while being

I am destined for failure while
being destined for greatness.

I give and give and give while
constantly receiving from you.

I am his, hers, its while
being yours.

I am alone while
being in your presence.

I am in chaos while
following your order.

I am in pain while
basking in your joy.

I doubt while
still believing.

I go while
you remain.

One day, I may not have a

but I doubt it,


You are the King of Paradox.


random_rules said...

emily, i have been bringing up these realities to friends of mine a lot lately. i tend to refer to them as "the paradoxical nature of God". i was talking to a friend just last night about how going through the process of therapy is one of these examples: needing to be strong enough to seek out a very vulnerable relationship/process. it's so fascinating and beautiful to me. thanks for sharing this. i really enjoyed reading it.

EmmyD said...

it's funny...i've been thinking that i meant to write "paradox", not oxymoron. i get those mixed up a lot. ah well.

i'm glad you enjoyed reading it. i've felt so torn much of my life...only to find out that opposites can coexist. what freedom!

jaimer said...

Love it Em. thanks for sharing it

Rachel Sensenig said...

So true, Em. a beautiful mystery how God holds it all together.